SANO Healthcare's
Health Literacy Initiative
SANO Healthcare creates a novel Health Literacy platform to impact health outcomes
Sano Healthcare recognizes health literacy significantly impacts verbal communications between the patient and provider, which is often layered with medical terminology that is incomprehensible, forgotten, and/or is misinterpreted by the patient. SANO Healthcare's novel software platform incorporates health literacy to shift the current paradigm through a patient-centric approach, wherein we modernize the use of health language and use reinforcement tools which may improve trust and build individual confidence in self-management of their care.

Low health literacy worsens health and increases risk of death, as nearly twice as many persons with low health literacy will likely be hospitalized, have increased emergency department visits for non-emergencies, and receive less frequent health screenings for diseases like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Thus, a large population of patients with lower health literacy have greater risk of harm, as their lack of understanding and inability to recall medical information directly impacts their adherence to treatment plans, and satisfaction with treatment recommendations.

SANO Healthcare envisions a standard of practice, wherein future electronic applications will be designed through direct patient involvement, and personalized to include culturally competent information and language which reinforces health literacy. SANO healthcare designs platforms of tools which promote behavioral modification by building patient trust and confidence in promoting personal-assisted self-management.
SANO Healthcare
Innovations for Healthy Living
SANO Healthcare provisionally-patented Biomedical device aims to improve in-home medication management, adherence, and persistence.
Research support by the National Institutes of Aging of the National Institutes of Health under Award# R43AG080852
SANO Healthcare
a Health Literacy Collaborative

SANO Healthcare operates a strategic collaborative between academic, community, and private industry to transform management and prevention of health complications and death at the intersection of pharmacology, clinical medicine, engineering, and social sciences through a patient-centric mHealth (mobile health) platform incorporating health literacy.

At SANO Healthcare, Health Literacy matters!